Karat Blau T. Ingo Maurer.

Ingo Maurer

Ingo MaurerHoy traemos a Ingo Maurer, un artista alemán de la luz… y su lámpara Karat Blau T. Seguiremos hablando de él.

Podéis ver una biografía aquí:«Before the designer Ingo Maurer concentrated solely on lighting design, he trained as a graphic designer until 1958. In 1960 Ingo Maurer went to the US, where he worked as a graphic designer and designer. In 1966 Maurer returned to Germany and founded Design M in Munich, a firm specializing in producing lighting and developing lighting concepts. Inspired by the Pop art he had encountered in the United States of America, Ingo Maurer designed «Bulb» in 1966, a lamp in the form of a giant light bulb of chromium plated metal and handblown glass.».

También tenéis aquí un interesante artículo:»Ingo Maurer answers a few questions on lighting design, inspiration, and process—using his thumbs.» en metropolismag.

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