Masterplan Hall 11.IMM cologne Furniture Fair 2008. UNStudio

Hoy traemos a UNStudio y concretamente a su proyecto para interiores Masterplan Hall 11.IMM cologne Furniture Fair 2008.

unstudioRespecto a UNStudio, podéis leer en su página: UNStudio is an international architectural practice, situated in Amsterdam since 1988, with extensive experience in the fields of urbanism, infrastructure, public, private and utility buildings on different scale levels. At the basis of UNStudio are a number of long-term goals, which are intended to define and guide the quality of our performance in the architectural field. We strive to make a significant contribution to the discipline of architecture, to continue to develop our qualities with respect to design, technology, knowledge and management and to be a specialist in public network projects. We see as mutually sustaining the environment, market demands and client wishes that enable our work, and we aim for results in which our goals and our client’s goals overlap. :

Y respecto al proyecto :UNStudio generated an ‘urban masterplan’, based on the hall as a cityscape with its own grid of roads. Within this grid, different ‘streets’ of variable widths are colour-coded, resulting in the clustering of identifiable themes and groupings of stands. Wall and floor coverings are used provide the colour-coding .
The display stands offer a variation of appearances towards the surrounding streets, from open and inviting to exclusive and introverted. This differentiation of appearances contributes, like street facades in a city, to the identity of the ‘public realm’.
The aim is to create a cohesive whole for the layout of the fair, whilst providing different kinds of impressions thereby assisting and encouraging the movement of flows around the displays, similar to moving between neighborhoods in a city.Unstudio

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Fuente:[ UNStudio]

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